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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone!


It’s been a little over a week since I last posted on my blog. This first week in Medellín, Colombia has been a little crazy!


There’s so much that has happened in such a short amount of time, but there are a few things that really stand out. One of those things is a healing that we saw. A group of 4 of us were walking around the city to hand out flyers for a church here. While walking, the Holy Spirit was showing us people to pray for. One person was an old lady that was walking on the street. When we talked to her, she said that she had really bad back pain. I laid my hand on her back and started praying for her right away. As I prayed, I could actually feel her spine and vertebrae shifting around, and afterwards she said all the pain was gone! Praise God! This was just one of the dozen people we prayed for that morning! Even in the mundane jobs, the Holy Spirit will give you words to speak and show you people to talk to. 


Another night, a group of us went to street 56. This is one of the most spiritually dark places I’ve ever been to in my life. There were HUNDREDS of people all packed into this area of about one block- all of them doing drugs. Every type of drug you’ve ever heard of was present there. Most of them were homeless and spend their whole life doing drugs with other people on this street. No one could drive through the street either because people are laid out all over it. We went with bread and water for them as well as flyers for the drug rehab program were associated with. I met all kinds of people in such suffering and pain. It broke my heart to tell them about something hopeful, a way out of drugs and into real life, but they refused it because they love their drug filled life so much more. They can’t see how good life can be with out their drugs. As we talked to more people, groups became less receptive to even our presence there. In about 20 minutes of showing up, I had 3 people yelling at me in Spanish to leave, a glass bottle was thrown at me, and there was a drunk man punching me repeatedly in the back. I can’t wait to go back next week! It was so spiritually dark you could feel it in your heart. All of those people out there lying on the ground with no hope or freedom, they’re Gods children too. I am believing that we’re going to see crazy miracles happen out there on street 56. 


I also just had my 19th birthday out here!! Another birthday in another country away from my family!! Hahahaha I love it. I’m honestly blessed I get to spend it with another part of my heavenly family. Last year was Burundi, this year Colombia, I wonder where I’ll be on my 20th birthday? 


These are just a few things that have happened, and there’s so much more. Thank you to all the people who have reached out to me over the last two weeks. I love talking with you. Also thank you to all the people who have been praying for me. It truly does make a difference. A final thank you to all the people gave financially towards this trip. While being here, I’ve witnessed multiple healings and salvations. YOU are a part of that. The Lord used you to get these people healed and saved. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. God is so incredibly good to His children, and we’re all His children. Feel free to reach out and talk to me anytime. If you don’t have iMessage, you’ll have to contact me over what’s app or Instagram. 


Thanks for reading!

3 responses to “First week in Colombia”

  1. God bless you Matthew! I will continue to pray for your safety as you spread Gods word. I know you will get through to someone on street 56!!

  2. You’re a rock star. Goosebumps and tears hearing about the Holy Spirit has so burdened and softened your heart for these people. Your perseverance and pursuit of them coming to know Jesus is inspiring. Go Jesus!!