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Hey everyone!

I wanted to send you a quick update on what has been going on in my life this last month. I just got home from a trip to Bangalore, India working with JH Outback. The Outback program takes the core ideas from JH Ranch (where I worked this last summer and fall) and condenses everything into a weekend program. While in India for two weeks, I helped the people running the program plan and prepare for the weekend, as well as helped during a volunteer training. The weekend was a great success, and I had the opportunity to help with some of the talks, activities, and debriefs. God used that program in a huge way to transform lives. While I wasn’t working with the Outback program, two friends (Jeremy Francis and Cori Maurer) and I went around the streets of Bangalore. This is where we saw God do amazing things for people. Everywhere we went, we were praying for people- servers in restaurants, school kids, homeless people, salesmen in shops, even a Starbucks worker! Everywhere we went, we saw healings happening. 

In one of the shops we went to, there were multiple healings. There was a boy who had a big burn on the back of his head from a Diwali firecracker. The hair was completely burnt off and the skin was blistered and oozing. He said that it was in a lot of pain, so my good friend Jeremy and I asked if we could pray for him. We laid our hands over the burned spot and prayed a one minute prayer. When we removed our hands from his head, the skin was completely grown back and was the same color as the rest of his skin. He said that all the pain he was feeling was completely gone too. This is just one of the things that happened that night alone! For two weeks we saw miracles happening and God moving in people daily. 

God was doing so much there. This trip was probably the best trip I’ve done so far! It was amazing to be there with some of my best friends and see God work through everyone of us. Step out and be bold in your faith! Miracles can be an everyday thing in your life if you’re willing to step out in faith and prayer. If you want to hear more of the stories of what happened, feel free to ask me anytime. I could talk for hours about the things we saw there!

Thanks for reading and supporting me in your prayers!!!